5' to 3' exonuclease: No
3' to 5' exonuclease: No
3’ – A Overhang: No
Fragment Size: Up to 10 kb
Gene synthesis
- First-strand synthesis of cDNA from RNA molecules (Reverse Transcription)
- Random priming reactions
- Library construction
- Probe labeling
- mRNA 5’-end mapping by primer extension analysis
- Real time PCR
Experimental data

Figure 1. Increasing reverse transcription reaction temperature increases yield of long targets.
TFRC (full-length: 5.2 kb) was reverse transcribed with A: Normal M-MLV; and B: RocketScript at 1) 100 ng and 2) 10 ng total RNA concentrations complex RNA amplification

Figure 2. RocketScript retains full activity up to 70 °C.
A low copy transcript (Myc: 495 bp) was reverse transcribed at the indicated temperatures. Thermostability of RocketScript Reverse Transcriptase is outstanding compared to a leading competitor’s reverse transcriptase. Lanes 1-4 are 100 ng, 10 ng, 1 ng and 0.1 ng of total RNA from HeLa cells, respectively

Figure 3. Comparison of amplification quality between RocketScript RTase and competitor RTases Sensitivity test. Target gene expression Level.
Lane M: 1 kb DNA Ladder
Lane 1: 100 ng Human total RNA from HeLa cell
Lane 2: 10 ng Human total RNA from HeLa cell
Lane 3: 1 ng Human total RNA from HeLa cell
Lane 4: 100 pg Human total RNA from HeLa cell
• RocketScript Reverse Transcriptase
• RocketScript Rtase
• RocketScript Rtase-dilution buffer
• RocketScript RTase-reaction buffer
• 100mM DTT
• RocketScript Reverse Transcriptase - 2011 Brochure
Quality Assurance
Bioneer is the holder of Quality Management System Certificates for the following standards.
• ISO 9001:2008 - certificate
• EN ISO 13485:2003 / AC:2009 - certificate